Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

acțiunenaturalăantibacteriană, revigorantășitonif iantă regenerantșihrănitor acțiunecalm antășihidratantă 65%DISCOUNT in MONTH 3 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. 65%DISCOUNT in MONTH 3 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. € 14.99 200 ml € 12.99 200 ml 21% DISCOUNT 19% DISCOUNT 25% DISCOUNT Sham poo with BIO aloe vera and olive oil, EQUILIBRIUM ,Life Care® deeplynourishesthehair FOR AL HAIR TYPES ALSO SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN FORAL SKIN TYPES PERFECTFOR DAILYCLEANING IDEALFOR SENSITIVESKIN UNISEX 21300 Showergelwith BIO aloe vera and lavender, EQUILIBRIUM ,Life Care® gentlycaresfortheskin 21301 € 8.99 50 ml Rol-on deodorant with BIO aloe vera and rosem ary,EQUILIBRIUM , Life Care® complieswithskinphysiology M adeinItaly 21302 98 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE Organic products containing the f inest naturalingredientsfordailycare thatw il bringbalancetoyourmindandbody.The formulasarebasedonAloeVerawhichis known for its healing and soothing properties. Designed to give you an al-natural, nourishing experience that wil leave your skin soft,hydrated and rejuvenated. NATRUE certification -protectsand promotesnatural and organic cosmetics forthe benef itofworldwide consumers.The NATRUE labelalows consumers to identifynaturalandorganiccosm etics. EachproductbearingtheNATRUElabelhasundergone an independentcertif ication proces by certif ication bodies. Ourmindandbodyareinterconnectedandtogethertheyworkextraordinarilywel. Mind& Bodyin EQUILIBRIUM OrganicAloeVera soothing,protective,m oisturising, decongesting,nourishing Organicextravirginoliveoil softening,protective,nourishing Organicwheatgerm (Vit.E) softening,protective,nourishing OrganicLavender naturalantibacterial,refreshingand re avcitțaiulinsien gn atcutriaolnă a n tib a cte ria n ă , OrganicRosemary purifying,naturalantibacterialand refreshing action Organicm yrtle naturalantibacterial, refreshing action Argan oil regeneratingandnourishing Zinc Organicplantscontained: naturalabsorbentactiveaction, reducesorinhibitsunpleasant skinodours ChamomileandM arigold soaoctțhiuinngeacnadlmmaonitsătușrizhindgraatcatniotăn