Kräuter® Anti-celulite gelwith BIO m intwith applicator acupres uremas age € 15.99 150 ml WITH BALL APPLICATOR M adeinGermany M adeinGermany Anti-Celulite Gel, with BIO m int, Life Care® thermalefect •stim ulatesm icrocirculation •strengthensthemuscles •im provesskin texture •reducesexces waterin thetis ues € 17.49 250 ml 105 4051 4040 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE visibly reduces the orange peel appearance of the skin! •practicaldesign •m etalicbalapplicator •thermalefect Theanti-celulitegelw itha refreshingthermalefectupon application.Itscom position rich inorganicplantscontributesto detoxifyingthebodyand strengtheningthemuscles.Mint androsem aryextractstim ulate peripheralbloodcirculation, givingtheskinelasticityand supplenes . THERMAL HEATING EFFECT