Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

€ 10.49 500 ml Theformularichin BIO herbalextracts, nourishes, regeneratesand revitalizesthe hair, leavingitsoft,supple andeasytocom b. Duetoitsrichcontent basedonextractsof chamomileand lem onbalm f lower from biologicaly controled environments,the balm intensly nourishesthehair from theroottothe tip ,increases resistance to tearing andagainstthe damagingactionsof theenvironment.The cham om ileextract providesnaturalglow fortheentirelength ofthehair. M adeinGermany Hairconditioner,with BIO plants,Life Care® intenselynourishesthehair Hairm ask,with BIO olive oil,Life Care® nourishesandregenerates the hair € 11.99 300 ml The combination between olive oil and argan oilnourishes,revitalizes and regenerates the hair, while leavingitsoftandeasytocom b. Recommendedforalhairtypes. M adeinGermany 107 424 457 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE