Horsetailisa plantknown and used since antiquity, extremelyrich in minerals,the mostimportantbeing silca also know n as the beauty m ineral. Silca stimulates the production ofcolagen which is very importantformaintaining the beauty and health of hairandskin. Itsefectson the body are very strong,being one of the most efective remedies for regeneration and rejuvenation.The youth ofthe skin and the vitalityof thestrandsofhairaredeterminedbythepresenceof thism ineral. 3 in 1 Shampoo,ShowerGeland Bubble Bath,with PanthenolandPHYTOCOM PLEXofHorsetail,LifeCare® preventspremature aging ofthe skin and isa good remedyforbritlehair,strengthensthestrandsofhair, combatshairbreakageandsplitends. M adeinGermany •3in1use •Foraltypesofhair •Skin-friendlyPH •Therapeuticformula 3 in 1 Sham poo,ShowerGeland Bubble Bath,with Panthenoland PHYTOCOM PLEX ofHorsetail,Life Care® healthandbeautyofhairandskin 500 ml € 11.99 4107 109 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE