Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Deo rol-on,with BIO cham om ile and rosem ary, Life Care® soothesiritatedskin € 7.49 50 ml ThisBIO plantsmixsoothesiritatedskin afterwaxing,hydratesandprotectsthe areaagainstbacteria. Theskingetsaniceandfreshscent, withoutblockingporesorinhibit perspiration. Doesnotcontain alum inum derivativesand artificialdyes. •idealforsensitive skin •actsefectivelyonadiposetis ue •restoresskinf irm nes Made in Germany Does not contain aluminum derivatives and artificial dyes. ALUMINIUM FRE 4544 113 € 8.49 Skinchangesitsappearancewithage-itbecomesmature. Overtime,the skin loses its f irmnes and elasticity due to low colagenproduction.Andinadditiontothef inelinesandwrinkles thatbecome visible,we also face a pigmentation ofthe skin - darkerspotsinthechestarea,onthehands,faceandnotonly,due totheunevenproductionofmelaninintheskin. Ofcourse,wecan'tstopthisproces ,butwecantemperitwiththe rightcare. Intensivecarecream w ithseabuckthornandBIO plants,LifeCare® -togivem atureskinaradiantbeauty! Specialydeveloped forthe intensive care ofmature and impure skin,itregeneratesandactivatescels. Sea buckthorn hasastrong regeneratingandvitam inizing efect,givingtheskinnatural healthandbeauty. BIO oils inthecomposition suchasarganoil,jojobaoil andoliveoilhaveastrong antioxidantefect,andprovide deephydrationm preventing theappearanceofdryareas. Sheabuterand panthenol supportskin elasticity for suppleandsoftskin. Intensive Care Cream with Organic Sea Buckthorn and Herbs,Life Care® intensive skin care 4504 250 ml M adeinGermany 15% DISCOUNT BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE € 7.49 Aloe Vera also caled “the burn plant”, has multiple healing, anti- inf lam m atory, antifungal and cooling properties of the area where it is applied,is very usefulin treating the skinanditsproblems. The BIO Aloe Vera Gel, Life Care® contains 95% PURE Aloe Vera which m oisturizes,cares and intensif ies the natural regeneration proces of the skin. It restores the naturalelasticity and providesa velvety efect,and the hypoalergenic, nourishing formula is suitable for al skin types, including sensitive skin. M adeinGermany BIO Aloe Vera Gel,Life Care® moisturizingandregeneration 100 ml 4082