Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

W ith 10 times more E vitamin than any otheres entialoil,BIO argan oilac eleratesthe healing proces ,helpsskin regeneration and soothes iritations. Rich in Omega3,6,9fatacids,BIO argan oil neutralizes the celular oxidation proces and helps elim inating free radicals. M adeinGermany Bodycream ,with BIO argan oil,Life Care® soothingandemolientefect € 9.99 250 ml BasedonSheabuter, arganoilandalmond oil,rich in A,Eand F vitam ins,thisbody cream is recommendedfor sensitive skin,having thefolowingefects: •skinsoothing •stronghydration •remakesskin elasticity •protectsagainst solarrays •soothesiritations M adeinGermany Bodycream ,with Shea buterand BIO plants, Life Care® protectsandsoothes € 9.99 250 ml 4430 4320 116 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE