21276 Itadoptsa specialBlue Ray high intensity cold light technology that reacts with the teeth whitening gel.Itcontains a formula based on baking soda,butalso othernaturalingredients such as: Aloe Vera, M atricaria, pom egranate seed oiland naturalextracts such as m enthol, Limonene,Pinene,β-Pinenes. • fornaturalywhiterteeth,without sideefects; • w ithvisibleresultsevenafterthe f irstuse; • w ithoutpain,w ithoutsensitivity andwithtimesaved.Injust10 minutesaday,for6days,youwhiten yourteethnaturaly; • ac es ibleandfast; • from thecomfortofyourhome; • PAPtechnology:teethwhitening withoutperoxide. 30% DISCOUNT Teeth whitening kit,Life Sm ile, w ith LED light,Life Care® visibleresultsinjust6days € 55.99 120 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE