Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

4097 Heating patches, MINERALPOW ER,Life Care® aleviatesm uscle, jointandperiodpain HeatPatches,MINERAL POW ER,Life Care® - the efectiveandeasy-to-use solutionthatwilhelpyoufeel yourbestagain! Ingredients:active charcoal, eucalyptus,ginseng directlyactingonm uscle,jointand periodpain relaxesmusclesandimprovesmobilty provideapleasantfeelingofsoothing Muscle and jointpain can oc urform anyreasons: Physicalfatigue: intenseor epeatedphysicalactivitycould lead to m uscle and jointpain.Fatigue can cause m icro-injury to m uscle and joint tis ue,leadingtopainandinf lam m ation. Inflam m ation: inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection. It can afect muscles and joints, causing discomfortandpain. Stres and anxiety: stres and anxiety can contribute to muscleandjointpain.Emotionalpres ure can cause exces ive m uscle contraction andaggravateexistingsym ptom s. Period cram ps areacommonconditionthatafectsmany women during their period. It usualy oc ursbefore orduring the f irstfew days ofmenstruation and can involve a range ofsymptoms,includingpainfulabdominal crampsordiscomfort. Injuries: injuries ortrauma to muscles and joints cancausepain.Thesecanincludesprains, strains,m uscletearsorcartilagedam age. Poorposture: incorectposture over a long period of time can put pres ure on muscles and joints, leading to pain. For exam ple, prolonged siting can cause muscle and jointpain. € 7.99 5 pcs HEATING EFFECT 24% DISCOUNT NEW! 11 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY