Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

1.5 L € 17.99 65% DISCOUNT in MONTH 3 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. BIO Liquid detergent,with soap nutsand es ential lavenderoil,Life Care® BIO certif ied •gentle on sensitive skin •washes,cleansandperfumesnaturaly •maintainsthecolourofthelaundry •pleasantlavenderscent •containsrenewableraw m aterials M adeinAustria BIO Liquid detergent,with soap nutsand es entialcham om ile oil, "Motherand baby",Life Care® BIO certif ied •leaveslaundrysoftandvelvety •maintainsthecolourofthelaundry •thereisnoneedtouseconditioner •suitableforaltypesofclothes(silk,wool, synthetics) •doesnotcontainperfume M adeinAustria Soft with the baby's skin. Dermatologically tested € 19.99 1.5 L 954 959 € 18.99 BioHAUS® laundry soap nuts eco-friendly,intense cleaningpower •idealforwashingclothesbetween 30-95°C(includingsilkandwool) •foraltypesoflaundry •excelentwashingpower •biodegradable •economic M adeinGermany 500 g 134 HOMECAREPRODUCTS 950