•100% natural •withoutdyes •no artif icialf lavours M ealBalance® ECO instant cerealdrink with chicory idealalternativefortea,cofee and cocoa CH-BIO-004 TheOrganicinstantcerealdrinkw ith chicoryM eal Balance® isan excelentsubstitute forone ofthe most consumed drinks in the world, cofee. Chicorycan be the dailymorning drink!Chicoryis consideredanexcelentnaturalremedy,duetoits properties.Itcan be consumed both before meal and thuspreventsindigestion and bloating,and throughoutthe daybyinvigorating the mind and thepsyche. Chicoryrootisrich in inulin,aprebioticf iberthataidsin weight los andimprovesguthealth. Ryeelim inatestoxinsfrom thebody,providesafeelingofsatiety, andsupportsgastrointestinalhealth. Barley helps reduce cholesterol, and its f ibers reduce the oc urenceofcardiovasculardiseases. M altisrich in vitam insand m inerals,m aintainsm uscle health, preventsanemia,regulatesblood pres ure,and enhancesthe functioningofthenervoussystem. Made in Sw itzerland 50 g € 9.99 RO-ECO-008 Unrefined Organic Brown Sugar,Life Care® 100% natural MadeinRomania 100 g € 1.19 140 NUTRITIONANDSPORT 1312 Life Care® cup *f ixedprice € 7.49 7887 7808