Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

60% DISCOUNT in MONTH 2 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. Cofee forlife Ganoderm a® Strong Ganoderm a ECO Cofee The cafeine stim ulatesthe functionsofthe heart,circulation and the metabolism. The certif ied organic ganoderma, ensures superiorkidney protection and an increased immunity,defense, aswelasthe levelofantioxidants,who are running asabarier againsttheprematureagingproces es. M adeinSw itzerland Cofee forlife Ganoderma® MagicEnergy ECO Cofee This100% certif ied ORGANIC ingredientsare anadditionalguaranteeofqualityandhealth! The ganoderma and ginseng are wel-known fortheirtonicandrestorativeefect,rem oving the sensation oftirednes ,and stimulating of the im m une system and the heartactivity,but also to slow down the proces ofpremature aging. M adeinSw itzerland 50 g € 15.99 CH-BIO-004 50 g € 15.99 141 NUTRITIONANDSPORT 7805 7806