Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

W hatdo you receive in the W elcom e Program + + + 1st Month:Addtoyourcartproductsinvalueof 63 euros (catalogprice)andreceive: 2nd Month:Addtoyourcartproductsinvalueof 94 euros (catalogprice)andreceive: 55% OF on aTOP product ofyourchoice 60% OF on aTOP product ofyourchoice 20% DISCOUNT oninvoice(from catalogprice) 21% DISCOUNT oninvoice(from catalogprice) + + 5€VOUCHER tobeused inthe2ndmonth 6€VOUCHER tobeused inthe3rdmonth GIFT Life Care® catalog, VIP CARD Exclusiveprogram forClubm em bers,LifeCare® partners-W elcom etoLifeCare® Program 150 MONEYAND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Coenzym e Q10 serum fora sm ooth skin,The Vitam in Box,Life Care® Vitam in Cserum fora glowing skin, The Vitam in Box, Life Care® Vitam in B3 serum fora flawles skin, The Vitam in Box, Life Care® 21272 21273 21274 Scrub w ith HyaluronicAcid and Hem p Oil, Life Care® 4620 Gel,with Snail extract,Life Care® 4046 W arm ing Gel, BearPower,with BIO plants,Life Care® 4482 CannabiCalm body buter,with CBD 1000 m g,Life Care® 4055 Cofee forlife Ganoderma® Strong Ganoderm a 7805 Bathroom care solution with es ential pepperm intoil, Life Care® 975 Devil’sClaw, Cooling Gel,with BIO plants, Life Care® 4453 MagicRol, with BIO plants, Life Care® 4458 Fortifying sham poo, with BIO rosem ary, Life Care® 4103 Showergel, w ith BIO Eucalyptus, Life Care® 4011 BIO Dishwashing liquid,with es entiallem ongras oil,Life Care® 935