Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Exclusiveprogram forClubm em bers,LifeCare® partners-LoyaltyProgram Areyousatisf iedw ithLifeCare® productsandwant oenjoythem at hebestprice?TheLOYALTYprogram isexactlywhatyouneedNOW ! W hatare the m ain benefits? - CONSISTENTSAVINGS,ofminimum 260€throughthisprogram; - Ac es toover300BIO,naturalandveganproducts; - Ithelpsyoutoreacha24% DISCOUNTinthef irst6months; - Youhavethechancetotryfrom yourf irstorderTOPproductswithupto90% DISCOUNT; Yourbenefitsincreasem onth bym onth ifyou placeordersm onthly.Basicaly,you load yourbonusacountin productswith each purchase! Month 1:20% DISCOUNT Haven'tyougotyourLifeCare® CARD yet?Placeanorderofatleast50€andreceiveasGIFT-LifeCare® ClubCard. Activatingitbeforenextmonth'sordernow bringsyouevenmorebenef its,discountsandpersonalizedpromotions! Im portant: - The24% discountisapplieddirectlyontheinvoiceeverymonth,ifyouorderatleast€50everymonth - Ifyoudonotplaceanorderforamonth,theprogram isrestartingfrom the20% discount. - Ifyoujoinedourteam afterJanuary1,2021,tokeepyour20% discountyouneedatleastoneorderevery6months,otherwiseyourdiscountbecomes10% . Are you stil thinking?W hatdo you have to do? Replacetheconventionalproductsyoubuynow from thesupermarketwithhealthy,organic,naturalorveganproductsfrom LifeCare®! Enjoyshopping! * The value of 5 € is an estimated monthlyvalueofthegainobtainedon averageforaproductwithintheofers ofthe loyalty campaign and can vary monthly,depending on the seasonal products. How m uch do you save in 6 m onths?Here isan exam ple: Loyalty Program DISCOUNT Productsorderedatcatalogprice(€) Productsorderedwithloyaltydiscount(€) Noandvalueproducts(€) ECONOMY(€) month 1 20% 63 50 1 x 5* 18 month 2 21% 94 74 2 x 5* 30 month 3 22% 125 98 3 x 5* 43 month 4 22% 150 117 4 x 5* 48 month 5 22% 180 140 5 x 5* 55 month 6 24% 200 152 4 x 5* 68 TOTAL (€) 811 631 48 260 Month 2:21% discount (themonthinwhichthecardhasalreadybeenactivated andyouhaveapersonalorder) Month 3-4-5:22% discount,withconsecutivemonthlyordersintheprogram Month 6:24% discount,withpersonalorderseachmonthoftheprogram +andinadditionyouenjoyDISCOUNTSofupto90% onEXCLUSIVEOF ERS Month 1 20% 21% 22% 22% 22% 24% Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 How do you ACTIVATETHECARD? - Online, /VIPcard - Byphone,throughtheCalCenterDepartment 152 MONEYAND ENTREPRENEURSHIP