Kräuter® Bodycream with BIO m ountain arnica skinregeneration 4440 The cream with m ountain arnica hasan em olient,healing,stim ulating action on the peripheralcirculation,and an astringentand decongestantefect.The special extractsofm ountain arnica,olive oiland avocado oilfrom biologicaly controled environments provide muscle relaxation and restoration oftis ues afected by injuries(edem a,bruising,sprains,dislocations).Ithelpsthe skin regain itsnatural supplenes ,giving ita velvety and healthy look.The arnica extractpreventsthe form ation of infections, stim ulates blood circulation. The avocado oil is recommended fordermatologicaldiseases (eczema) and as a skin moisturizer, providingtoneandelasticity. Rich in helenaline with anti-inf lammatory and f lavonoid efects thatstrengthen blood ves els,the cream with mountain arnica,evening primrose oiland avocado oildoeswondersinskinregeneration. M adeinGermany •stim ulatesbloodcirculation •helpscelregeneration •analgesicandcicatrizing action •slowsdowntheskin agingproces € 10.49 250 ml Recoverygel,„Knitbone”,with com frey and BIO plants,Life Care® posttraum aticrecovery 4450 Itstandsoutforitshighcontentofextractsofmenthol,organicTatin's herb (Symphytum off icinale),organic vine,lemongras and organic ginseng,plantsrecognized fortheirbenef icialpropertiesin case of fracturesandsprains. Ithelpsin the recovery ofvariousinjuriesofthe locomotorsystem: contusions,dislocations,sprains,fractures,asw elasin skin injuries. M adeinGermany •promotesscaring •astringentandsoothingproperties •quickrecovery •skinregeneration € 10.99 250 ml 14 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY