Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

15 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY Detoxfootpatches, M INERAL,Life Care® im proveoveralhealth Thehumanbodyisanextraordinarilycomplex and eff icientmechanism thatmighttake care of itself if we lived in a polution-free environmentand had a healthy diet.Organs with excretory functions work wonders in maintaining the integrity of the immune system and protecting the body from toxicity. Sadly,however,theenvironmentinwhichwe live,w ith althatitofersus,m akesitdiff icult forthese organs to function properly,which meanstheyneedhelpfrom outside. DETOX -a conceptthathas gained so much popularity in recent years that we can no longerim agineourlifestylewithout"detox",it helpsourbodyfunctionoptimaly. Detoxmeansusing specialproductsthathelp remove toxinsfrom the body,thusimproving health. Detox footpatches,MINERAL,Life Care® - a naturaland fastm ethod ofelim inating toxins from the body,are partofthis category of specialhealth-enhancingproducts. € 12.49 10 pcs 11% DISCOUNT 4058