431 € 16.99 The BIO syrup with fenneland thyme,Life Care® isatherapeuticproductforthethroat and airways.The syrup isa com bination of f ine honey from f lowers,with fenneland thyme oil,has a calming efectand is a naturalaid in casesofcough oriritation.It doesnotcontainadditives,artif icialf lavors, dyesandsweeteners. The syrup has exceptionalefects on the respiratory system , acts in case of dry cough, hoarsenes , laryngitis and throat inf lam m ation. M adeinGermany DE-ÖKO-001 BIO syrup with fennel and thym e,Life Care® f ightsof drycough 250 ml The LarynxForte, throat spray, with BIO marigolds, Life Care® contributes to m aintaining the health of the oral cavity, through the protective action and by aleviating the specif ic sym ptom s of the iritatedthroat. The multiple action ofthe ingredientssuch as BIO marigolds,cinnamon,mintandeucalyptus givesa quick efectby acting directly on the iritatedarea. M ethod ofadministration: it is recommended to administer 1-3 pufs by presing the container maximum 3 times a day, depending on the need. Recommended only for persons from 3 years of age. M adeinItaly LarynxForte,throatspray, with BIO m arigolds,Life Care® protectsthethroatandoralcavity € 11.99 20 ml 7085 23 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY