Vitam in C, 1000mg, Life Care® prolongedrelease ThedietarysupplementpreventsVitaminCdef iciency,helpsprotectcels from oxidative stres ,w hile m aintaining the body'sresistance to various diseasesorinfections. The idealquantityofBIO Vitam in C,from organicalygrown acerolafruit, brings an EXTRA DOSE to the body foran excelentfunctioning ofthe organs.Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)is partofthe group ofwater-soluble vitamins.Itisone ofthe mostcommon vitamins.The ascorbicacid isan organicacid with antioxidantproperties.The bodycannotsynthesize its ownVitaminC,whichiswhyitmustbetakenfrom foodorothersources. Beingsensitivetolight,heatandwatervapor,VitaminCisneededinthe formation of colagen, a protein that strengthens bones, cartilages, musclesandbloodves els,andcontributestothepropermaintenanceof capilaries,bonesandteeth. Method of administration:1 tablet per day.Recommended only for personsfrom 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 9.49 30tablets 764 860 € 24.99 237 ml Liquid supplem entwith vitam in Cand Calcium ,forthe im m une system ,Life Care® strengthenstheimmunesystem availablefrom december Powerfulantioxidant,whichhelpsthe weakenedbodyf ightagainstfreeradicals.It alsohelpsrelievecolds. Itisrecommendedonetablespoonperday. -strengthenstheimmunesystem -helpsthebodyabsorbironandreducesthe inf lam m atoryreactionfrom alergies -preventscoldandf lu. MadeinUSA 26 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY