29 7080 •helpsf ixcalcium inthebones •maintainsthehealthof them uscularsystem •contributestothehealth ofbonesandteeth Es entialfood supplementforthe normalgrowth and developmentofbones,teeth and the immune system forlitleones. In the f irst years of life,vitam in D is extrem ely importantforhealth,andparentsmustensurethat theirbabygetsenoughvitaminD. The es ential role of vitamin D continues throughout childhood and into adulthood, contributing to the formation and maintenance of healthybonesandmuscles,the normalabsorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the proces of cel division and helps the normal functioningoftheimmunesystem. Onedropperdayis,from theageof1year. M adeinGermany Vitam in D3,dropsforchildren, 400 IU,Life Care® maintainsbonehealth 11% € 31.99 237 ml Liquid supplem entforchildren,MultiVitam ins, with vitam insand m inerals,Life Care® harmoniousdevelopment ThejuiceisahealthycombinationofvitaminsA,C,D,E,B1,B6,B12, Calcium, Phosphorus, M agnesium, Zinc, Selenium and Copper neces aryfortheharmoniousdevelopmentandintelectofthechild. Itisrecommended1teaspoonperdayforchildrenbetween2-4years ofageand2teaspoonsperdayforchildrenover4yearsofage. Itcanbeadministeredwithanyliquidorfood. MadeinUSA 870 DISCOUNT € 12.49 25 ml HEALTHANDIMMUNITY