€ 10.99 Propolis,Life Care® strengthensimmunity 30capsules 737 Propolisissaidtobe the mostpowerfulnaturalantibioticin the world,andcertainlythef irstdiscoveredbyhum ansinhistory. Propolis is a mixture ofsubstances from nature,colected by beesandstoredinthehive:oils,resin,balms,polenandwax. Its amazing antibiotic efect is due to a substance caled galangin,whichbooststheresistanceoftheimmunesystem.In addition,propolisisalso rich in vitaminsA,B1,B2,B3 and C,in calcium,magnesium,zinc,iron,silcon,potas ium,phosphorus andcopper,butalsoinotheres entialminerals. •strengthenstheimmunesystem •protectsthegeneralhealthofthebody •richinvitam insandm inerals M adeinGermany EchinaPluswith echinacea, propolisand vitam in C,Life Care® supportstheimmunesystem EchinaPlus is a dietary supplement thatofersthesynergicbenef itsofthe triplet consisting of Echinacea, Propolis and Vitamin C from rosehip, natural sources that help the respiratory system , also know s for theirbenef icialefectson the normal functioningoftheimmunesystem. The recipe also contains a special naturalingredient,waterybarkextract of Larix laricina – juniper, w ith important benef its for the immune system. Doesnotcontain potentialy alergenicsubstances! Administerby dis olving in 200 mlof warm water, 1-3 sachets/day. It is recommended for children over 2 yearsofage(onesachetperday)and adults. € 10.49 10sachets 50g M adeinEU •naturalsolutionagainstcoldsandf lu •supportstheimmunesystem •canbeusedbythewholefamily •quickefect 856 30 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY