Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

7042 ActiveSalicin,w ith w hite w ilow bark extract,Life Care® naturalsource ofsalicin Inf lammation isthe body'sresponse to an aggres ion,ithasmany causes and can be caused by alergies,muscle trauma orjoint discom fort. ActiveSalicin,w ith w hite w ilow bark extract,Life Care® is the efectivecombinationofnaturalingredientssuchaswhitelinseed, turmeric,Indian incense,cat's claw and magnesium that help elim inatediscom fortsym ptom satthearticularlevel,increasingthe abiltytoregeneratetis ues. Method ofadministration:1-2 capsules/day are recommended, onlyforpeoplefrom 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 13.49 30capsules € 11.49 Ultim ateIm m uno,with BIO acerola and wilow,Life Care® supportstheimmunesystem The cold isa viralinf lammation ofthe upperrespiratory tract.General fatigue and weaknes are an open door for this type of ilnes . Ultim ateIm m uno,with BIO acerola and wilow,Life Care® is a food supplementwhichhelpsaleviateunpleasantsymptomsofcoldandf lu, suchasfever,headaches,m uscleandjointpains. Methodofadministration:onetabletperdayisrecommended,onlyfor peoplefrom 16yearsofage. •Itisanaturalanti-inf lam m atoryagent. •Fightscoldsandrespiratoryviroses •Aleviatesmusclepaincausedbycolds •Reducesfever •Helpstheimmune system M adeinGermany 7040 30tablets 32 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY