8042 ProbioLife,with germ com plex,Life Care® probioticsforintestinalf lora 30capsules € 15.99 The balance of the enteric f lora is very sensitive.Numerousfactorscan disturb the levelofenteric bacteria:diferenttypesof m edication, certain digestive ilnes es, stres etc. ProbioLife, with germ com plex, Life Care®,isa com plexofthree germ s: Lactobacilus acidophilus, Enterococus thermophilusand Lactobacilusrhamnosus, w hich are,in total,over5 bilion bacteria friendlyforus. M ethodofadm inistration: 1-2capsules/day arerecommended, startingfrom theage of5,for3-6months afterstrongdrug treatm entsorpersistent infections. M adeinGermany Over 5 bilions useful m icroorganism s 30capsules DE-ÖKO-007 OrganicColostrum , 400m g,Life Care® antibodiesforimmunity € 16.49 The Organic Colostrum,400mg, Life Care® helps to as imilate nutrientsthatpromoteincreased energy levels, ensures the balance ofthe immune system, supports the health of the digestive tract and helps to restore nerve,bone and muscle tisues. Thegutf loraisrepresentedbyal the microorganismsfound in the digestive tract. A goodfunctioningofthebodyis determined by a gut f lora as diverse aspos ible,which must bekeptinbalance. Itisrecommended 2 capsulesa day foradults and 1 capsule a dayforchildrenfrom theageof6 years. M adeinGermany 7070 35 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY