Life Im pulse® MagneActive magnesium spray Use:4 pufscontain about66 m g of magnesium •canbeuseddaily,upto20timesaday •applyoncleanskinandmas age gently •thankstotheform ula,itisidealfor m as ageonvariouspainfulareas. •forexternaluseonly,onanybodypart MadeinUSA elders,becausetheyhavediff icultyin toleratingtheadm inistrationofpilsor capsules athletes–theyregularlyusevarious dietarysupplements pregnantwomen–becauseitisnot recommendedtoconsumemanypils duringpregnancy The skin has a very high absorption rate,even 10 timeshigherthan thatof the intestines,therefore Life Im pulse® M agneActive as a spray is ideal for people who have a magnesium def iciency,andespecialyfor: € 20.99 60 ml Musclecrampsoc urwhena m usclecontractsinvoluntarilyand forcibly,w ith the im pos ibiltyof relaxation.Musclesbindingtwo joints(wrists)arethemostprone tocontracting.M usclecram psvary inintensityfrom asim plespasm to anexcruciatingpain.Theduration ofthemusclecrampcangofrom a few secondsupto15minutesor more. Theoptimalcompositionof ingredientssuchasM agnesium, VitaminB6,Potas ium andVitamin Ehelpstheoptimalas imilationof proteinsandfatsandacts benef icialyonthenervous system. Itisrecommendedonecapsuleper day forpeopleover16yearsofage. M adeinGermany Happy&RelaxMuscle,with potas ium ,m agnesium and vitam in B6,Life Care® reducesmusclecramps 30capsules € 9.99 8044 7007 39 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY