Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Antioxidants are vitaminsand mineralswhich help the organism againstfre radicals. Free radicals are the main cause ofceloxidation and ifthey are notkeptin checkbyantioxidants,can afectthe immune system andthereforetheentireorganism OPC Antioxidant,with grape seed extract,Life Care® is a strong antioxidant,with a broad spectrum ofefectson the organism .Ac ordingtoresearchers,theentireforceofgrapes iscontainedintheseed. 1-2 capsulesperday are recommended,to personsover16 yearsofage. M adeinGermany OPCAntioxidant,with grape seed extract,Life Care® cardiovascularprotectorandantiaging 45capsules € 14.49 7038 Vitam in EForte,soft capsules,Life Care® reducesoxidativestres Vitam inEisapowerfulantioxidant inthebodyandhelpsprotectcels from oxidative stres , regulates cholesterol levels, maintains the health ofblood ves elsand keeps skin healthy. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E are important in protectingcelmembranes,hasan importantrole in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids and has a beneficial inf luence on the nervous system. Anotherim portantroleofvitam inE is that it intervenes in the reproductive proces and ensures the normalfunctioning ofthe sex glands. Itisrecommended1capsuleper dayfrom 16yearsofage M adeinGermany € 15.99 30capsules 7063 last time incatalogue 49 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY