Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Spirulina is known al overthe world as the mostwanted super-alim ent,extrem elyrich in vegetalproteins,consisting of60% pure protein.Thanksto the vegetalorigin,proteins are much beterabsorbed in the human organism.Coming from thesaltedwatersnearHawai slands,OrganicSpirulina, Life Care® contains over 50 bioactive principles through which helpsbalancing al the functionsofthe organism.It alsocontains18aminoacids,outofwhich8arees ential. Method of administration: 1-3 tablets per day are recommendedforpeopleover16yearsold. M adeinGermany •certif iedecologicalproduct •contains60% vegetableprotein •preventsprematureagingofthebody •increasesthebody'sresistance tovariousbacteria •powerfulantioxidant •veganproduct OrganicSpirulina,Life Care® regulatesbodyfunctions 45tablets € 7.49 100% SPIRULIN BIO CONTAINS 60% VEGETAL PROTEINS Pure ingredients, cold pressed, without the addition of excipients! pres edunder 40oC DE-ÖKO-007 7013 7490 W ithstrongantioxidantproperties, Resveratrolturnsouttobeveryhelpfulin balancingsomeimportantmetabolic functions,such as: • preventingnervoussystem regres • im provingcelsresistanceagainst radiations Personsover16arerecommended1-2 capsulesperday. M adeinGermany ResveratrolPlus,Life Care® thesecretofyouth 30capsules € 10.49 50 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY