Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Idealnutritionalcom plexofm inerals,vitam ins,antioxidants, phytonutrients and biof lavonoids, which contribute to balancing the metabolism, strengthening the immune system andregulatingthecardiovascularsystem . This liquid dietary supplementis a blend oforganic Acai, black chery,bluebery,raspbery and pomegranate juice. The fruits of the acai plant (Euterpe Oleracea) contain antioxidants,which help strengthen im munity and increase energy,resistance and vitality. 2-6spoonsperdayarerecommended,startingfrom theage of 12. MadeinUSA •balancesthem etabolism •supportsthecardiovascularsystem •powerfulantioxidant •givesvitalitytothebody Liquid antioxidantsupplem ent,from organic Acaiand black chery juice,Life Care® antioxidantandmetabolicregulator € 45.99 946 ml Om ega 3 with fish oil, Life Care® cardiovascularprotection € 8.99 Om ega-3 faty acids are clas if ied as "es ential" becausetheyarenotproducedbyourbody.Inother words,theycan onlybeobtainedfrom ourdietand food supplements.Fish oil,rich in Omega 3 faty acids,vitaminsA and D,contributesto the mental health,improves memory and protects the heart from m entalstres . The most important Omega 3 acids are: E.P.A. (Eicosapentaenoic)and D.H.A.(Docosahexaenoic), which contribute to numerous biochemical proces es. The E.P.A acid is important for the prevention of heart diseases, because it lowers triglyceride levels,and the D.H.A.acid participates inbrainandnervoussystem functions. Method ofadministration:one gelatine capsule per day,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany 30capsules 747 852 54 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY