Antioxidant,with vitam ins and coenzym e Q10,Life Care® forhealthheart Coenzyme Q10 isindispensable due to the role itplaysin the production of energyneces aryforthenormaldevelopmentofbiochemicalproces esinthe celsofthebody.W ithage,thequantityofCoenzymeQ10producedinthebody decreases. Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to be efective in cardiovasculardiseases (heartfailure,m ultiple sclerosis and periodontaldiseases),im m une system strengthening,energyrecoveryandrapidrecovery afterworkout. Coenzyme Q10 isproduced naturaly by ourbody, buta disorganized lifestyle can afectus,thatis whyitisveryimportanttoadjustitinorderto: Method of administration: 1 capsule/day is recommended,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. •preventheartdiseases •f ightagainstprematureaging •f ightagainstfreeradicals Itisrecommendedone capsuleperday. Made in Germany € 9.99 30capsules 743 7600 € 8.49 30capsules Garlicand Parsley,Life Care® lowersbloodpres ureandcholesterol TheGarlicandParsleyusesthepropertiesofgarlicandparsley, thatare known fortheirbenef icialefectsin lowering blood pres ure and cholesterol.The complex of ingredients can stabilze high blood pres ure and disintegrate cholesterol depositsonthevascularwals.Itcanstimulatethebodyinthe f ightagainstbacteria and viruses.Itcan have a detoxifying efect,in the intestine,due to its antiseptic and alkalizing properties. BIO garlic is a powerful antibiotic that helps prevent arterial diseases, w hile parsley has antioxidant, diureticefectandhelpsinvascularwalregeneration. •lowersbloodpres ure •lowerscholesterolevels Itisrecommended1-2capsules perdayforpeopleover15 yearsofage. M adeinGermany 55 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY