Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

•m aintainscelularhealth •powerfulantioxidant •immunesupport •digestiveaid DE-ÖKO-007 The UNIQUE100% vegetable and naturalformula, com posedoforganicgraviolafruitjuice,organicsea buckthornjuiceandorganicapplejuice,represents asourceofhealthforthebody. The dietary supplementhas benef icialefects on metabolism,can slow down the aging proces of celsandm aintaincelularhealth. It is rich in vitamin C, potas ium, magnesium, omega 3,6,7,9 and othervitamins.Itisa powerful antioxidantandm etabolicsystem booster. A maintenance dose of 30 mlper day/adult is recommended forpeople over3 yearsofage (the daily dose forchildren is calculated ac ording to theirweight). M adeinGermany 500 ml Organicantioxidantm ix,with Graviola, sea buckthorn and apples,Life Care® m aintainscelularhealth € 29.99 7010 57 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY