Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Rhodiola Rosea,Life Care® adaptogen Rhodiola Rosea, Life Care® is a dietary supplement obtained from Rhodiola Rosea extract. Thisisaherbwithadaptogenicefect,whichcan increasetheabiltyofthebodytoadapttostres ofdiferenttypes:intelectual,physical,mental, therm al, lack of sleep, exposure to toxic substances,radiation and infections.Itcan have antidepres ant and cardioprotective efects, being useful in insom nia, iritabilty, fatigue, headachesorhigh blood pres ure.Atthe same tim e,itcanincreasetheendogvenousreleaseof beta-endorphins, also caled "happines molecules". It is recommended one capsule per day for peopleover18yearsofage. •psycho-em otionalbalancing •relaxing •adaptogen M adeinGermany 30capsules € 10.99 Relaxer,w ith Valerian extract,Life Care® relaxing Valerian has antispasmodic properties, calm s the nervous and cardiac system , being benef icialin case ofinsomnia.Itis rich in volatile oil,cafeicacid,chlorogenic acid,terpenoids,f lavonoids,tannins and many otherimportantsubstances forthe humanbodyandisusedincaseofanxiety, mental stres , asthma and migraines. Valerian has relaxing qualities on the m usclesand in case ofm uscle cram ps.Itis used conjuncturaly,in periods ofintense stres .The active substances in valerian intervene in the brain to release some substancesthatinduce statesofcalm and relaxation. Itisrecommended1-2capsulesperdayfor peopleover18yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 9.99 730 729 30capsules Anti-stres ,with Noni fruit,Life Care® antistres The Anti-stres , w ith Noni fruit, Life Care® dietary supplementisbasedon thewonderNonifruit,an exotic fruit with multiple properties and benef its, including those to f ightof stres ,fatigue orstrengthen immunity. Nonifruitisanexcelentinvigorator,itprovidesthebody w ith extraenergyand vitality,thusincreasing the abilty to cope w ith stres fulsituations. Thecomplexcompositionoftheherbbringsinnumerable benef its.Copoletinandserotoninplayaroleinregulating sleep and f ighting depres ion and anxiety.M orindon, morindin, terpenoids, selenium, acubin, alazarin and anthraquinoneshave a strong antibacterial,detoxifying and immunomodulatoryefect.Nitricoxide,found in the noni herb, is considered the most powerful neurotransmiter. •fortif ieroftheim m unesystem •im provesm entalstate •ofersextravitality Itisrecommended1-2 capsulesperdayforpeople over15yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 7.49 757 63 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY