SuperW ater® Glas jug Idealforpreserving liquids. 1,2 L, 21cm height 10cm diameter MadeinRomania M adeinGermany Filtercartridge, Life Care® SuperW ater® Portable filter, source ofhealthywater specialhighqualitytechnology Technicalspecif ications: -Filtrationf low (atapres ureof4bar): 0.8-1.2liters/ minute; -Degreeoff ilterf ines e:0.7µm ; -Cartridgechange:after12weeksor m axim um 1000liters(stationaryas em bly); after8weeksoramaximum of800liters (w hentraveling); -Italsohasanorm alf low option,without f iltering,withoutrequiringdisas em bly *theoriginalf ilteralsocontainsacartridge M adeinGermany € 202.99 € 12.49 € 84.99 1126 1127 1129 SUPERW ATER Forourorganism ’shealth,vitalityand longevityitisveryim portantto m aintain an ideallevelofhydration. The importance ofa properhydration isvery obvious,butis thatenough? The answeris clear: what maters is both quantity and qualityofthewaterwedrink,themineralsand oligoelements provided to the organism throughwater,theidealoxygenationandalso the inviting and stim ulating taste.Now you can have al these contained in a unique “W ater has m ultiple roles in the proper functioning of the organism, including nutrients transport and toxins elim ination, brain and joints lubrication and body tem peratureregulation.“ Source:European H ydration Institute Folowing the 5 steps,prepare SUPERW ATER in the morning in a 1lcarafe off iltered tap water, add 100 drops(approx.1 spoon)ofOxygen Life and 2,5ml of the oligoelements and mineral Complexandsomefreshfruitsslices. The whole family can enjoy a truly healthy and tasty glas of water, right from the morning, which wil ensure the neces ary energy and vitalityuntiltheendoftheday! 1127 66 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY