OrganicChlorela,Life Care® es entialnutrients Chlorela is a microalga,which is considered to be a naturalsuperfood, extrem elynutritiousandrichinproteins,vitam insandm ineralsthatcanbe consumedintheform oftabletsorpowderaddedinvarioussmoothies. Itissaid to be the greenestalgaon Earth,due to itsveryhigh chlorophyl content,itis very smal and grows in freshwater.The high chlorophyl content has a major role in the proces es of cel detoxif ication and oxygenationofthebody,eliminatingtoxicsubstancesfrom thebody,such asheavymetals,thusimprovingtheimmunesystem. Itisrecommended 2-5 tabletsperday foradultsand 1 tabletperday for childrenfrom 6yearsofage. M adeinGermany € 7.49 60tablets DE-ÖKO-007 COLDPRESSED AT 50°C COLDPRESSED AT 50°C 7075 Barley Gras ,with BIO barley,Life Care® cholesterolcontrol A true m iracle ofnature,BIO Barley Gras contains the best nourishing resources that the organism needs,w ithspecialefectssuchas:diureticaction Personsover16arerecommended 1-2capsules per day. M adeinGermany •toxinselim ination •m aintainsthe acid-basebalance •alkalizingefect •insurestheproperfunctioning oftheheartm uscle € 8.49 30capsules 7440 72 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION