Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

Sm okersAid Detox,with arctium rootand BIO artichoke,Life Care® detoxw ithartichoke The mix ofherbshasa strong efectofpulmonary, gastric, intestinal and a upper respiratory tract detoxification. Arctium root or burdock was consideredaremedyforbloodcleansing,andrecent research conf irm s this. Burdock neutralizes free radicalsintheblood,helpseliminateureaandother residual substances from the body much faster, regulates hormones, helps maintain or restore norm al intestinal f lora. Artichoke leaves have a diuretic,cholereticand hepaticantitoxicaction,and lowerbloodcholesterolevels. It is recommended 1-2 capsules per day during meals,forpeopleover16yearsofage. •vegetarianproduct •detoxif iesthebody •containsorganicartichoke M adeinGermany € 8.99 30capsules 746 SuperColon Cleanse,with BIO Psylium husk,Life Care® intestinaldetoxif ier W el-known fortheirintestinaldetoxif ication properties,the senna leaves,psylium husk andthefennelseedsaremiraculousinsidethe organism ,agreathelpincaseof: •colondetoxif ication •controlofthe intestinaltransit •laxativeefect •controloftheintestinalfunction Personsover16are recommended 1-2capsulesperday,duringm eals. M adeinGermany € 9.49 30capsules 745 73 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION