1000 ml Itisagreatsourceofvitam insandm inerals.It improvesthehealthofthedigestivesystem, contributes to increased energy, reduces nausea and ac elerates the recovery of mucous membranes.It contributes to the elimination of toxins ac umulated in the digestivesystem andtobodydetoxif ication. Itisrecommendedtoconsume50mlperday, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. M adeinItaly OrganicAloe vera juice supplem ent, with organiccranbery flavor,Life Care® digestionandimmunity € 29.99 33% DISCOUNT 8410 75 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION •detoxif iesandsupportsim m unity •antioxidant •strengthenstheimmunesystem •vegetarianproduct IT-BIO-008