5:1 ARTICHOKE EXTRACT – 400 MG € 14.99 30capsules Sanobil,w ith artichoke,Life Care® artichoke forbilaryprotection Artichoke isused in case ofdigestive,hepaticorbilary problems.Thetherapeuticefectsoftheplanthavemade itbecome ausefulaid fordigestion,in case offunctional blocking ofthe galbladder(galis ues),liveris ues,but alsoforelim inatingtoxinsfrom theorganism . •stimulatesbileproduction •m aintainsnorm altriglyceridelevels •maintainscholesterolevels •ac eleratesintestinaltransit M ethodofadm inistration:1-2capsules/day, onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 7.99 7015 759 Ultim ate LiverSupport,w ith BIO artichoke leaves,Life Care® liverprotector The Ultimate LiverSupportdietary supplementis based on a complex ofingredientsthatcan help maintain normal liver function, promote cholesterolregulation and have benef icialefects inimprovingdigestion. The specialcom bination based on BIO artichokes, silymarin,dandelion rootand safron hasspecial efects on the hepatic system: maintains the normalliverfunction;helpsto improve digestion; decreasestheriskofatherosclerosis. Itis recommended 1-2 capsules perday,during meals,forpeopleover15yearsofage. M adeinGermany 76 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION AcaiHealthy Mix,with BIO acaiand ginger,Life Care® liverprotector Based on a greatcombination ofAcai extract,papaya and dandelion leaves, the AcaiHealthyM ix,with BIO acaiand ginger,LifeCare® helpsfor: •hepaticprotection •healthyweightlos •improveddigestion Personsover16 are recommended 1-2 capsulesperday. M adeinGermany € 8.99 30capsules 7340