Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

€ 6.99 30capsules Pineapplecontainsanenzymecaledbromelain, whichhelpsthebodydigestfasterproteinsfrom the food (normaly they can only be digested with the help of gastric juice and digestive enzymes).Duetothisenzyme,pineapplecanbe used to purify the blood, improve digestive function, arthritis, sinusitis, to relieve m uscle pain(duetoitsanti-inf lam m atoryaction). Bromelain preventsorminimizesalotofhealth problems:angina pectoris,transient ischemic atack, relieves thrombosis and thrombophlebitis and can reduce cholesterol deposits. Persons over16 are recommended 1 capsule perday,intheafternoonorintheevening. M adeinGermany Pineapple fordigestion, Life Care® digestiveadjuvant NO.1 Digestive Enzym e, with brom elain and papain,Life Care® supportsthedigestivesystem Enzymes are complex protein substances that regulate the biochemicalproces esin the body. Thestabledigestiveproces esin thebodypositivelysupportourimmunesystem, thegeneralphysicalstateandgiveustheenergy neededformanydailytasks.Inorderforfoodto be broken down into its components and metabolizable, the body needs enzymes. Stim ulates,stabilzesandoptim izesthedigestive tract perfectly, and due to its increased bioavailabilty it is absorbed optim aly and quickly by the body.The unique formula ofthis multi-enzyme complex contributes to the optim ization of digestion, m etabolic balance, weightlos proces and increasesthe tolerance toglutenandlactose. Itisrecommended2capsulesadayaftereating, forpersonsfrom the ageof16years. M adeinGermany 30capsules € 12.99 NauseaSTOP,pilsforfree m ovem entLife Care® supportsdigestion € 7.99 30tablets The feeling ofmotion sicknes is a fairly common conditionoftheinnerear.Thisoc urswhenthereis a repeated movementin a meansoftransportthat disruptstheinnerear. Sym ptom s, not at al pleasant, include nausea, generalmalaise,which are often ac ompanied by abdominal discomfort, vomiting, dizines, headache,fatigue,cold sweats and palor,a bad generalconditionofthebody. The combination of BIO ginger, vitamin B6 and peppermintoilcontributestotheproperfunctioning of the digestive system and provides a state of wel-being to the body.It is idealfor removing m otion sicknes during transportbycar,plane,train or ship.It helps reduce nausea, exhaustion and generalm alaise. M ethodofadm inistration:it isrecommended2capsules perdayaftermeal.Itisonly recommendedforpeople from 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany Idealforrelievingmotionsicknes during transportbycar,plane,trainorship. 7086 738 7047 78 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION