Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

70% DISCOUNT in MONTH 4 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. Anti-w rinklem agneticm ask,M agneticM ask,LifeCare® - for realresultsthatareofgreatim portanceatthecelularlevel. Ithasaspecialform ulathatactsvisibly,andoptim izesblood circulation atskin levelforan energized and healthy skin com plexion. Contains: Matrixyl® 3000 thatsm oothswrinkles,improvesskintone and skin elasticity The formula isenriched with Retinol(vitamin A),which m aintains healthy skin and plays an im portant role in regeneratingskincels. Duetonutritionaloilssuchasjojobaoil,sweetalmondoil and olive oil,the skin isradiant,hydrated,and protected for manyhours. •innovativetechnology •containsM atrixyl® 3000 •formulaenrichedwithRetinol •activatesm icrocirculation atthe celularlevel •uniquemethodofapplication Anti-wrinkle m agneticm ask, M agneticM ask,Life Care® innovativetechnology 50 ml MadeinUE € 41.99 16% DISCOUNT 89 21219 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE