93 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 65% DISCOUNT in MONTH 3 throughthe W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage149-151. € 31.99 30 g Brightening face cream for age spots,with Neurolight and Sepiwhite,Life Care® -BIO certified fadesagespots The cream works on the dark spots caused by aging, w ith state-of-the-art active ingredients such asNeurolight,61 G and SepiwhiteTM MSH, Ecocertcertif ied favorsfading,decreaseinintensity andreductionofthesizeof pigmentedspots; inhibitsmelaninproduction; actsnaturalyduetothe ingredientsthataredelicate to the skin; moisturizesandnourishes the skin. Theclinicaltrialshaveshow n adecreaseofspotsurfaceup to63.4% after42daysofuse! M adeinEU € 20.99 50 ml W hy should INSTANT PERFECTION be among any woman’sbasic cosmetics?Because any woman wants an impec able skin,and this product: hasIM M EDIATEEF ECT; hasINCREDIBLERESULTSON THESKIN; hasanEXTREM ELYSMOOTH TEXTURE, easilyspreadable; hasaVERYPLEASANTSMEL ; ORGANICARGANandEVENING-PRIMROSE OILSnourishandhydratetheskin; itcansaveyoubeforeanim portant eventoritcanbeappliedeverymorning, insuringthe make-upstaysonfora longtime,aswel ashydratingtheskin; M adeinGermany Biotisima® InstantPerfection with argan oiland evening prim rose ensuresm ake-upresistance 21213 21211