Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

45% DISCOUNT in Month 1 of the W elcomeProgram! Detailsonpage150-151 16% DISCOUNT The Bodycream ,Treasured Rose,with BIO Rose water,Life Care® isspecialy created to provide skin com plex care: it moisturizes in depth, provides protection against external factors, givingsoftnes andaradiantlook. Body cream ,Treasured Rose,with BIO Rose water, Life Care® com plexcare € 13.49 200 ml Aniresistibleproductyoumusthave!Itssoftfoam withf ine f loralscentwilrelaxandpam peryoueveryday.Thecreamy formulagentlycleanses,preventsdehydrationandsupportsthe restorationofthenaturalskinprotectionbarier. Itisim portantto love and care forevery partofourbody.The skin in the axilary area requires proper care. Unpleasant odorsand sweating are justsome ofthe problems you may encounter if you neglectthisarea ofyourbodyand do not provide properhygiene and care.Natural deo,Treasured Rose,with BIO plants,Life Care® youneed-withagentleactionthat is based on natural and organic ingredients,enriched with a mixture of active ingredientsthatactsynergisticaly, balancingthesweatingproces .Itcaresfor sensitive skin and w raps it in a subtle aromaofroses. Alum inium salt-free 24-haction Alcohol-free M adeinItaly 2 in 1 ShowerGeland Bubble Bath,Treasured Rose, w ith BIO rose water,Life Care® BIO rosewater € 7.99 M adeinGermany 50 ml Naturaldeo,Treasured Rose, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® withoutaluminum saltsandalcohol € 10.99 200 ml 99 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 21246 21247 21257 12% DISCOUNT 6% DISCOUNT