Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

BodyCream ,with Hem p Oil and BIO plants,Life Care® regenerationandintensehydration € 12.49 Thehempoilfrom thecompositionoftheBodyCream, with Hemp Oiland BIO plants,Life Care® providesa specialcontentofes entialfatyacidssuchasomega 3,6and9whichplayanimportantroleinmaintaining theoptimum andhealthyskinmoisturelevel. The Bio jojoba oil,the Bio almond oiland the Bio grapeseedoilprotecttheskinfrom dehydration,help to care fordry and iritated skin,regenerating and m oisturizing the skin intensely. M adeinGermany 250 ml € 12.49 250 ml A com binationofsugarcrystals,hyaluronic acidandes entialoilsforarevitalizedand glowingskin.Thesugargranulesgently rem ovedeadcelsleavingtheskinvelvety andsmooth.Hyaluronicacid,hempoil, alm ondoilandvitam inEintensely m oisturizeandnourishtheskin,leavingit iresistible to the touch. M adeinGermany Scrub with Hyaluronic Acid and Hem p Oil,Life Care® forfaceandbody Isextrem elyrich in es entialfatyacids Containsalargeamount ofOmega-3,-6and-9 Visiblyim provesiritated,dry anddehydratedskin Canhelptreatatopicderm atitis, psoriasisandeczem a Studieshave shown thathem p seed oil: 100 4585 4620 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE