Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 7.49 Aloe Vera also caled “the burn plant”,has m ultiple healing, anti-inf lam m atory,antifungaland cooling propertiesofthe area where itis applied,is very usefulin treating the skin and its problems. The BIO Aloe Vera Gel,Life Care® contains95% PURE Aloe Vera which moisturizes,caresand intensif iesthe naturalregeneration proces oftheskin.Itrestoresthenaturalelasticityandprovidesa velvety efect, and the hypoalergenic, nourishing formula is suitable foralskin types,including sensitive skin. M adeinGermany BIO Aloe Vera Gel,Life Care® moisturizingandregeneration 100 ml Soothing gelforiritated skin, w ith BIO m int,Life Care® invigoratesandrelaxestheskin Ithelpsto immediately soothe and relax red,sunburned skin.Inaddition,itisalsorecommendedforuseinthecase ofsm alscratches,insectbitesorskin iritationsfrom variousalergies. Theorganicm intinthecom positionrevitalizestheskinand stim ulatesperipheralblood circulation,having astringent properties.Theproductisexcelentforcoolingandprotectingtheskinafterexposuretothesun! M adeinGermany € 8.49 250 ml 102 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4082 4412