Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

55% DISCOUNT in Month 3 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 Snailsare notharmed in the recolting proces. € 17.49 100 ml Gel,w ith Snailextract,Life Care® recoveryandbeauty A complex of ingredients for skin regeneration, with a special ingredient: Poly-helixanorsnailextract.Ithelpshydratetheskinandvisiblyim provesscaring. Snailextractisrich in calcium carbonate,alantoin,enzym es,vitam in A,C and E, elastinandcolagen. M adeinGermany Itstim ulatesskin regeneration restorative efecton skin afected by scars,iritations,sunburns,desquam ation, pim ples,acne,spots,stretchm arksandw rinkles. Increasesskin elasticity itgives the skin brightnes and hydration and visibly improves scars,prevents the development of skin-damaging bacteria and so thes and reduces iritation after epilation,shavingorsunexposure. € 13.49 100 ml Kräuter® Cream with m ineralsalts remineralizingefect Specialydesignedtoprovidethoroughskincare,it containsaloevera,activem oisturizingagentsandprecious vegetablelipidssuchassheabuter,cocoabuter,almond oilandvitam ins. Thecream withmineralsaltsdoesnotcontainperfumeand dyes,soitisrecommendedevenforpeoplewithsensitive skin,whomighthavealergiesoriritationwhenincontact withtheseingredients. Itcontainsover96activeelementsandminerals,which helptorem ineralizetheskin,indicatedforderm atitisand eczema. M adeinGermany •intensive care •normalizesthePH oftheskin •rem ineralizescels •protectsagainstpoluting factors •intensivelyhydratesvery dry skin 50% DISCOUNT in Month 2 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 4102 4046 Mineral salts from the Atlantic Ocean PRESENT. 30% 103 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE