Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

The Life Care® Cream with BIO grape seed oiland calendula helps maintain a youthful look and preventsdehydrationoftheskin,givesepidermisits brightnes andsmoothnes ,delayingskinaging. Due to the grape seed oil,the cream is easily absorbed bythe skin,m oisturizesitand restoresits naturalelasticity. In addition, the calendula extracts provide the optimal level of nutrients and vitamins that stim ulate cel regeneration,m aking the skin softer, givingitahealthyappearance. M adeinGermany Cream ,with BIO grape seed oiland calendula,Life Care® hydrationandregeneration € 9.99 200 ml Face cream ,with BIO cham om ile,Life Care® nourishesandsoothestheskin € 8.99 Thenourishingfacecream isidealforthecareofsensitive skin, with a moisturizing and soothing efect. The concentration of natural herb extracts such as Shea buter,BIO chamomile,BIO vine,BIO almond oiland BIO jojoba oil,combined with alantoin and panthenol,is excelent for daily skin care and beauty rituals,w ith efectsofslowingdowntheprematureagingoftheskin. TheFacecream ,w ithBIO cham om ile,LifeCare® helpsthe skin regain itsnaturalsupplenes ,giving itavelvetyand healthylook.The cream hasatriple action:cham om ile - nourishes, soothes and helps tis ue regeneration, alantoin -helpsproduce colagen and protectsthe skin from harm fulfactors,panthenol-softensandm oisturizes the skin,restoring itsnaturalelasticity. M adeinGermany 200 ml Lip balm ,with BIO calendula, Life Care® protectionand m oisturizing 5 g € 3.99 BIO marigoldstogether w ith the olive oilcare andhydratethelips, oferingthem anatural andhealthyaspectwith everyapplication. Excelentforsunorwind dried lips. M adeinGermany 104 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4546 4571 4600 soonwitha new design