3 in 1 Liquid soap,with lavender and BIO herbs,Life Care® relaxesthesenses € 7.99 500 ml The new BIO plantsand lavenderoilformula hastriple action:liquid soap,showergeland bubble bath.Natural ingredientsmoisturizethebodyandhands’skin,leaving a nice lavenderscental overthe skin,even afterrinse. Thespecialcreatedform ulaalsoworksasabubblebath, releasingarelaxinglavenderscentthatcalm sthesenses andthenervoussystem.Lavender,oneofthebestknown arom aticplantsusedsinceancienttim esfordailycareor laundry wash,ofers physicaland mental relaxation, sooths nervoustensionsand energeticalybalances theorganism. M adeinGermany 100 ml € 7.99 LIQUID SOAP SHOWER GEL BUBBLE BATH TRIPLE EFECT Liquid soap,with BIO cham om ile and calendula,Life Care® soothingandregenerating € 6.99 500 ml Thecombinationbasedonmarigolds andBIO chamomileprotectsagainst microbes,whilecalmingand regeneratingtheskin.Thesoaphas antisepticandrefreshingefects. M adeinGermany 106 Consistingof4BIO oilsrichin vitam ins, thehandcream protectsthe skinagainsttheexternal harm fulfactors,hydratesand preventsskinpremature aging. M adeinGermany Hand cream ,with BIO grape seeds and alm ond oil, Life Care® intensively m oisturizes 4545 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4000 4104