Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

21% DISCOUNT € 5.49 100 ml W hitening toothpaste,with activated charcoal,Life Care® restoresthenaturalwhitenes ofteeth A beautifulsmile depends on how we takecareofourteeth! Oralhygiene hasa very importantrole for the health of our body,therefore dental care must be a priority in everydaylife. Proper oral hygiene is es ential to preventdentalproblems and maintain oralhealth. Activated charcoal, also know n as medicinal charcoal, is used in many health remedies because of its high absorption power. Its purifying and detoxifying properties help to neutralize,elim inate and rem ove toxins producedbybacteria,themaincauseof unpleasant odors and stains on the teeth. M adeinGermany *The black colorofthe toothpaste is due to the activated carbon,and after washing this color disappears and givesyouabrightsmile. Activated charcoal: -cleansthebacterialplaque -protectsteethagainsttoothdecay -rem ovesdiscolorationcausedbytea, cofee,wine,aswelasotherstainingdrinks and foods -helpstorestorethenaturalwhiteofthe teethwithoutafectingtheenamel Lime: -removesthestainsonthetoothsurface andhelpsreducetartar Mint: -ensureslong-lastingfreshbreath 4085 109 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE