60% DISCOUNT in Month 4 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 26% DISCOUNT € 6.99 NATURAL INGREDIENTS +99.79% Sham poo and showergel, Baby,with aloe vera and BIO plants,Life Care® forbabiesandchildren The product has a DUAL ACTION, that of SHAMPOO and SHOW ER GEL, being specif icaly designed for a thoroughcleaningofhairand sensitive skin of new-bornsandchildren. Its form ula rich in extracts of BIO aloe vera, BIO wheat germ oil,BIO olive extracts, BIO calendulaandchamomile contains a totalof 99.79% naturalingredients. M adeinItaly € 14.49 200 ml Bodycream ,Baby, with aloe vera and BIO plants,Life Care® forbabiesandchildren € 14.49 Ourbabybodylotionhasa compositionrichinBIO extractsofaloevera,BIO olive extracts,BIO w heat germ oil,BIO apricotkernel oil,BIO lavenderoil,BIO sheabuterandother naturalingredients. 99.78% ofingredients are natural. M adeinItaly 200 ml Specialydesignedfordamagedepidermis, itsupportstheskin'snaturalregeneration proces ,keepingithydrated,softand velvety. Itcaresintenselyforeventhemostsensitive skinandisrecommendedfor: - exces ivelydryskin, - iritation, - scratches, Itsoothesitchingandprovidesprotection againstexternalharm fulfactors. M adeinGermany Regenerating cream ,with 5% panthenol,Life Care® forbabies,children,adults 100 ml 111 soonwitha new design BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4623 4047 4048