Biotisima® Biphase m ake-up rem over with Aloe Vera -BIO certified gentlycleanses Thedoublestructureofthecleanser (oil+lotion)conferstheextrem ely eff icientform ulathateasilyrem oves m ake-up.Cleanses,hydratesand ilum inatestheskin. M adeinEU Thetoniclotionisanes ential partinthecom plexioncaring routine,usedrightafter cleansingtheskin.Itbalances, hydratesandrevitalizestheskin. M adeinEU Biotisima® Toniclotion with Aloe Vera -BIO certified tonesandmoisturizes € 17.99 150 ml 21208 21212 € 17.99 150 ml COSMOS ORGANIC 116 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 21208 21212