Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

M oisturizing Day Cream , with SepiliftDPHP and Lipactive Inca inch,Life Care® regeneratestheskin A specialcream with anti-aging efect, based solelyon an entirelynew formulathattreatsand moisturises skin.Itcontains Sepilfd DPHP fora triple action: toning, m oisturising and w rinkle corection. In addition, the product contains Lipactive Inca Inchi, an organic certified ingredientastherichestvegetableoilinOmega3, 6 and 9.Due to its unique content,itenables restoration of the epidermal barier and skin elasticity.M oreover,itm aintainsthewaterlevelin theskin,thusincreasingm oistureandhelpingdry anddegradedskin. M adeinEU € 18.49 50 ml Nourishing nightcream ,with SepiliftDPHP and Lipactive Inca inch,Life Care® -BIO certified m oisturizesskin € 19.99 The largest tisue recovery activity takesplace atnight.Its new formulaisbasedonthetwo new revolutionary ingredients: SepilftDPHP and Lipactive Inca Inchi,which help and support thisproces duringthenight. M adeinEU 50 ml 117 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 21200 21202 lasttim e in catalog lasttim e in catalog