60% DISCOUNT in Month 4 of the W elcomeProgram!Detailsonpage150-151 € 12.49 60 ml MagicRol,with BIO plants,Life Care® reducesmusclepain 4458 Ithasan absolutelyunique combination ofplantssuch asaloe vera,cham om ile,rosem ary,sage,olive extract, devil'sclaw andm ountainarnica,ofw hich4speciesare growninorganiccultures. Efective naturalsolution forreducing severaltypesof discom forts,including m uscle,jointand skin iritations! M adeinItaly •fastefect •soothesskiniritations •easytotransport,rol-onpackaging •UNIQUEanti-painconcept •hasanti-inf lam m atoryproperties cervicalarea,arm s,back,legs, knees,joints,m uscles. RECOMMENDED FOR: EFFECTIVE ON MORE THAN 20 TYPES OF PAIN 10 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY