Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

EYESPA,Hydrating Eye M ask, with HyaluronicAcid and Colagen,Life Care® reducesdarkcirclesandf inelines Theeyesworkhardaldaylong,from blinking toexpres ingemotions,from readingtobeing exposedtoscreens,alofwhichcancause prem atureaging.Ofcourse,geneticreasons, externalharm fulfactors,butalso lifestyle can afecttherapidagingoftheeyes. The m ostcom m on eye problem sare: -darkcircles; -f inewrinkles; -under-eyebags. -Intenselyhydratestheskinaroundtheeyes -Blursawaydarkcircles -Reducesf inelines € 2.99 9% DISCOUNT 3 x 2 pcs 18 g 122 21280 21245 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE FacialM ask,with bee venom ,Life Care® increasesskin elasticity Itcontainsnaturalbeevenom thatincreases skinelasticitybyboostingnaturalcolagen production,whichises entialforayouthful appearance. •im provesskin elasticity •helpstorestorecels •f ilsf inew rinkles •brightenstheskin •refreshesandhydrates Venom is colectedthanks tospecial technologies, withoutharming thebees. € 7.99 25 ml •Intenselymoisturizesdryand roughskinonthefeet •Providesprotectionandcarefrom thef irstuse,m akingtheskin smoothandsofttothetouch •Form ulatedw ithniacinam ides, goatmilk,andsheabuter Moisturizing footm ask, FE TSPA,Life Care® regeneratesandmoisturizes theskinofthefeet € 5.99 2pcs/40g 21299 NATURAL ALTERNATIVE TO BOTOX 8% DISCOUNT