Life Care Catalog Spring – Summer 2023 Issue -EN

€ 10.99 500 ml Bathroom care solution with es entialpepperm int oil,Life Care® rem oveslimescaledeposits deepcleaning lim e scale destroyer protectssanitaryac es oriesagainstbacteria Thecombinationofnaturalingredientsand oilseasilyrem ovesthedirtfrom the bathroom. Sprayevenlyondirtysurfacesorusethe productwith amoistcloth and leave on for1-5 minutes,asrequired,depending on the degree ofsoilng.W etthe tile joints before applying and rinse with waterafterit.Testa smal,hidden spot to checkthe m aterialsdurabilty.Do not usetheproductonmarble,limestoneor otheracid-sensitive surfaces. M adeinGermany PACKAGE 100% RECYCLED € 10.99 750 ml Active Gel,with es ential pepperm intoilforcleaning the toilet,Life Care® scalesandprovidesshine W ithaviscouscontent,basedonmintes entialoiland a new formula,itworksexcelently due to prolonged adhesion,dis olvesandremovesdirt. Itprevents the limescale buildup and otherdeposits caused by hard water.Due to the composition ofmint oilitisagoodantiseptic.Aftercleaning,thetoiletbowl remainscleanandshiny.Containingonlyingredientsof organicorigin,the productisdelicate to the skin and hasafreshandpleasantmintscent. M adeinGermany 135 HOMECAREPRODUCTS 508 975