9397 ZEO GreenGras ,naturalzeolite additive,dog food,Life Care® 100% natural The idealsolution for animallovers,which solves a pres ing problem - the urine stains on the lawn and gras and the unpleasantsmelofexcrementcausedbythepet. ZEO GreenGras , food additive acts on the acidity of urine, regulatesitbyabsorbingam m oniacalnitrogenthatcausesyelow spotsonthelawn. The dog isman'sbestfriend,and itshealth isveryimportantfor the owner,that'swhy ZEO GreenGras ,naturalzeolite additive, dogfood,LifeCare® isaproduct: • 100% NATURAL • basedonZEOLITE • hasanimmunomodulatory efect • supportsthebalanceof thegutf lora • hasadetoxifyingefect • preventsalopecia (hairlos indogs) • theproductisnottoxic MadeinUE 375 g € 21.99 27% DISCOUNT BioHAUS® Spray with chlorine and active oxygen, 100ml canbeusedin anyenvironment and space BioHAUS® Spray w ith chlorine and active oxygen, 500ml canbeusedin anyenvironment and space € 6.99 Hygieneisanes entialelementinthedailylifeofeveryperson,itisthekeyelement ingeneralhygienebecausethevariousobjectsandsurfaceswetouchdailyareprone to being contaminated with bacteria orvirusesand can be the main factorin their transmis ion.Thatiswhy,theirsanitation isvery importantand impliesthe use of solutionsthatcanprotectusfrom thesevirusesandbacteria. The BioHAUS® Chlorine and Active Oxygen Spray isa m ulti-purpose cleaning spray, has a fastaction,being idealforfrequentuse in sanitizing various objects and surfaces. Theuseofsuchasprayaim stosanitizeandelim inatethebacteriaexistingonsurfaces and,implicitly,theirtransmis ion to the hands,face and eyes,these being the most sensitiveareasofthebody. M ethodofuse:Apply2-3spraysofsolutionand wipethedesiredsurfacefor30seconds. M adeinGermany 100 ml € 15.99 500 ml 9392 9394 137 HOMECAREPRODUCTS 30% DISCOUNT 29% DISCOUNT